Together We Can Conquer Cancer

SD Ireland Cancer Research is a dedicated organization that stands as a proud supporter of cancer research. With a mission to make a significant impact in the fight against cancer, SD Ireland Cancer Research works to support groundbreaking research initiatives, innovative treatments, and advancements in cancer care.


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SD Ireland Cancer Research Fund Team

“We should not live with the fear that cancer could randomly enter our lives and take our loved-ones.”

—Dr. David Krag

The SD Ireland Cancer Research Fund is a qualified 501 (c)(3) public charity authorized to accept tax deductible charitable contributions.

Through collaboration and collective efforts, our research team aims to make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. SD Ireland Cancer Research recognizes the power of collective action and encourages individuals, organizations, and communities to join forces in the fight against cancer. By working together, SD Ireland Cancer Research believes that we can bring about transformative changes in cancer care and ultimately make a positive impact on the lives of countless individuals affected by this devastating disease. If you would like to take part in the fight against cancer, please consider making a secure online donation to the SD Ireland Cancer Research Fund.

The Fund

“As parents, we are deeply committed to supporting initiatives that pave the way for a brighter and healthier future. Education is paramount to us, and we are particularly drawn to cutting-edge initiatives. This is why we are proud to lend our support to the groundbreaking work being done in the field of cancer research.”

—Scott & Kim Ireland, Founders

In 1998 Scott D. Ireland and his wife Kimberly decided to take an important step toward a very ambitious goal – curing cancer. After battling cancer in their own lives and experiencing the success and limitations of existing cancer treatments, Scott and Kim realized that the support of a skilled group of translational researchers was one of the best ways to have a direct impact on moving closer to a cure.

They began their journey with the creation of an endowed professorship of cancer research at the University of Vermont’s College of Medicine. This substantial gift, and only the 6th endowed professorship in UVM’s history, insures that meaningful and sustained funds are continuously available to develop new cancer treatments and progress scientific understanding of this devastating disease. But soon the Irelands realized that an even bigger plan was needed if the ultimate goal of a cure was to be realized.

In 1999 they launched the SD Ireland Cancer Research Fund in an effort to bring light to the work being done in their own backyard and to bring additional friends and supporters to the cause. For the past 11 years the SD Ireland Cancer Research Fund has supported the ground breaking research being done by Dr. David Krag and his research team at the University of Vermont’s College of Medicine. This support has been rewarded with successful new therapies, including radio-guided sentinel node surgery, which is now the standard treatment for breast cancer nationwide.

The SD Ireland Cancer Research Fund supports leading cancer research organizations with expenditures that directly contribute to the fight against cancer, to support the production of cancer fighting antibodies and other leading therapies, and to support related clinical trials. We do not provide support for indirect administrative expenses that are not directly related to cancer research.

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Since 1999 SD Ireland has been helping the fight against Breast Cancer! Since 1999 SD Ireland has been helping the fight against Breast Cancer!

Saint Patrick’s Day
Concrete Mixer Parade Fundraiser

brought to you by SD Ireland Cancer Research

Join the vibrant community as we all come together for a truly unique and spirited event – the SD Ireland Concrete Mixer Parade. This eagerly anticipated annual event happens every Saint Patrick’s Day bringing together neighbors, friends and families for a joyous procession through the streets.

Beyond the fun and excitement, this parade serves a noble purpose: Raising funds for cancer research. As participants and onlookers cheer, laugh, and revel in the Saint Patrick's Day spirit, they also contribute to a cause that touches the lives of many. The parade acts as a catalyst, fostering a sense of unity and compassion as the community bands together to make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

The event serves as a powerful reminder that when a community joins forces for a great cause, extraordinary things can happen.

With each passing year, the fundraiser participants grow, drawing an ever-rising crowd of supporters and well-wishers. It is a testament to the power of community, proving that when people come together with a shared purpose, they can make a meaningful impact in the fight against cancer.

So mark your calendars, put on your greenest attire, and join the Vermont community for a festive celebration on Saint Patrick's Day. Together, let's make a difference and support cancer research!

Want to see your logo on a mixer?
Click here to learn about sponsorship opportunities.

Monday, March 17th, 2025
beginning at 3pm

  • Days
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until St. Patrick's Day Parade

2025 Planned Parade Route. Click here to download a step-by-step of our route. Get up to date event information by visiting our Facebook page. For prime viewing, we recommend Al’s French Fries, Staples Plaza in Burlington, McKee’s Pub in Winooski and Church Street between Main & Cherry.


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SD Ireland St Patrick's Day Parade
SD Ireland St Patrick's Day Parade
SD Ireland St Patrick's Day Parade
SD Ireland St Patrick's Day Parade

©Red Barn Media Group 2025